Jean-Louis Rodrigue prepares Zoey Deutch for dark comedy “Flower” Jean-Louis Rodrigue prepares Zoey Deutch for dark comedy “Flower” Alexander Techworks2018-12-01T14:11:48-08:00 Jean-Louis Rodrigue prepares Zoey Deutch for dark comedy “Flower”Alexander Techworks2018-12-01T14:11:48-08:00
Kristof Konrad acts opposite Jennifer Lawrence in “Red Sparrow” Kristof Konrad acts opposite Jennifer Lawrence in “Red Sparrow” Alexander Techworks2018-03-18T08:36:45-07:00 Kristof Konrad acts opposite Jennifer Lawrence in “Red Sparrow”Alexander Techworks2018-03-18T08:36:45-07:00
Margot Robbie prepares with Jean-Louis to inhabit Tonya Harding in “I, Tonya” Margot Robbie prepares with Jean-Louis to inhabit Tonya Harding in “I, Tonya” Alexander Techworks2020-06-02T22:09:45-07:00 Margot Robbie prepares with Jean-Louis to inhabit Tonya Harding in “I, Tonya”Alexander Techworks2020-06-02T22:09:45-07:00
Kristof Konrad plays Igor Zavarov in “The Invisible Boy: Second Generation” Kristof Konrad plays Igor Zavarov in “The Invisible Boy: Second Generation” Alexander Techworks2018-03-18T08:37:16-07:00 Kristof Konrad plays Igor Zavarov in “The Invisible Boy: Second Generation”Alexander Techworks2018-03-18T08:37:16-07:00
Jean-Louis coaches Zoey Deutch to play Eugene O’Neill’s daughter in “Rebel in the Rye” Jean-Louis coaches Zoey Deutch to play Eugene O’Neill’s daughter in “Rebel in the Rye” Alexander Techworks2020-05-19T19:59:54-07:00 Jean-Louis coaches Zoey Deutch to play Eugene O’Neill’s daughter in “Rebel in the Rye”Alexander Techworks2020-05-19T19:59:54-07:00
Matt Levett coaches with Jean-Louis in Australia and Los Angeles Matt Levett coaches with Jean-Louis in Australia and Los Angeles Alexander Techworks2018-06-06T06:57:18-07:00 Matt Levett coaches with Jean-Louis in Australia and Los AngelesAlexander Techworks2018-06-06T06:57:18-07:00
Kristof connects back to his Polish roots in “Breathe” and “All These Voices” Kristof connects back to his Polish roots in “Breathe” and “All These Voices” Alexander Techworks2018-03-18T07:56:00-07:00 Kristof connects back to his Polish roots in “Breathe” and “All These Voices”Alexander Techworks2018-03-18T07:56:00-07:00
Kristof Konrad trains cast of “Underworld: Blood Wars” in vampire and werewolf movement Kristof Konrad trains cast of “Underworld: Blood Wars” in vampire and werewolf movement Alexander Techworks2020-06-01T12:50:52-07:00 Kristof Konrad trains cast of “Underworld: Blood Wars” in vampire and werewolf movementAlexander Techworks2020-06-01T12:50:52-07:00
Kristof guest stars on of House of Cards Kristof guest stars on of House of Cards Alexander Techworks2018-03-18T08:37:56-07:00 Kristof guest stars on of House of CardsAlexander Techworks2018-03-18T08:37:56-07:00
Justin Chatwin uses animal studies to embody Ajax the cat in “Unleashed” Justin Chatwin uses animal studies to embody Ajax the cat in “Unleashed” Alexander Techworks2020-05-19T20:30:42-07:00 Justin Chatwin uses animal studies to embody Ajax the cat in “Unleashed”Alexander Techworks2020-05-19T20:30:42-07:00
Kristof guest stars on CBS’ “Intelligence” Kristof guest stars on CBS’ “Intelligence” Alexander Techworks2018-03-18T08:39:03-07:00 Kristof guest stars on CBS’ “Intelligence”Alexander Techworks2018-03-18T08:39:03-07:00
Belcim Bilgin embraces the Alexander Technique with Kristof Belcim Bilgin embraces the Alexander Technique with Kristof Alexander Techworks2020-05-19T19:40:48-07:00 Belcim Bilgin embraces the Alexander Technique with KristofAlexander Techworks2020-05-19T19:40:48-07:00