“Pity” by William Blake, circa 1795
By Jean-Louis Rodrigue
Last December, I joined forces with Kim Gillingham (teacher of acting and dream work), Adele Cabot (voice teacher), and Derek Simonds (teacher of acting and dream work) to teach a four-day intensive for actors on “Ritual Dream Work.” The experience was so powerful and moving that it literally resonated and influenced my teaching all year long. Both Kristof and I will be participating in her workshop as students and we cannot wait!
Founded by Kim Gillingham in 1999, Creative Dream Work helps artists and creative professionals create authentic work and live more authentic lives by teaching them how to access and integrate rich, undiscovered material from the unconscious.
The foundation of this work springs from the theories of Carl Jung, the preeminent psychologist who pioneered our understanding of the unconscious as the source of all great art and true creative expression.
Kim Gillingham leads Creative Dream Work. She coaches professional artists of all mediums toward the creation of singular, authentic work and has been doing so for over eleven years. Kim’s experience coaching world-class artists combined with her interest in Jungian psychology has yielded this powerful approach to creative work, performance technique and personal development. She continues to study with the eminent Jungian analyst and author Marion Woodman and was once a protégé of acting coach Sandra Seacat. Kim is based in Los Angeles and teaches throughout the world.
Read NY Times article on Kim here.