Santiago Cabrera trains with Jean-Louis for BBC’s “The Musketeers” Santiago Cabrera trains with Jean-Louis for BBC’s “The Musketeers” Alexander Techworks2020-06-03T11:38:42-07:00 Santiago Cabrera trains with Jean-Louis for BBC’s “The Musketeers”Alexander Techworks2020-06-03T11:38:42-07:00
Megan Boone coaches with Jean-Louis for NBC’s “The Black List” Megan Boone coaches with Jean-Louis for NBC’s “The Black List” Alexander Techworks2020-05-19T20:09:25-07:00 Megan Boone coaches with Jean-Louis for NBC’s “The Black List”Alexander Techworks2020-05-19T20:09:25-07:00
Michael Welch works with Kristof to find his characters’ physicality Michael Welch works with Kristof to find his characters’ physicality Alexander Techworks2020-05-19T20:17:12-07:00 Michael Welch works with Kristof to find his characters’ physicalityAlexander Techworks2020-05-19T20:17:12-07:00
Ang Lee invites Jean-Louis to consult on tiger movement for “Life of Pi” Ang Lee invites Jean-Louis to consult on tiger movement for “Life of Pi” Alexander Techworks2020-06-01T12:33:01-07:00 Ang Lee invites Jean-Louis to consult on tiger movement for “Life of Pi”Alexander Techworks2020-06-01T12:33:01-07:00
Giselda Volodi develops her character with Kristof & Jean-Louis for “E Stato Il Figlio” Giselda Volodi develops her character with Kristof & Jean-Louis for “E Stato Il Figlio” Kristof Konrad2017-12-08T12:45:28-08:00 Giselda Volodi develops her character with Kristof & Jean-Louis for “E Stato Il Figlio”Kristof Konrad2017-12-08T12:45:28-08:00
Leonardo DiCaprio works closely with Jean-Louis to find the physicality of J. Edgar Leonardo DiCaprio works closely with Jean-Louis to find the physicality of J. Edgar Alexander Techworks2020-06-02T22:33:03-07:00 Leonardo DiCaprio works closely with Jean-Louis to find the physicality of J. EdgarAlexander Techworks2020-06-02T22:33:03-07:00
Student Update: Adria Tennor & Dash Pomerantz contribute to the success of “The Artist” Student Update: Adria Tennor & Dash Pomerantz contribute to the success of “The Artist” Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T13:51:37-08:00 Student Update: Adria Tennor & Dash Pomerantz contribute to the success of “The Artist”Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T13:51:37-08:00
Preparing a Role Preparing a Role Alexander Techworks2018-01-02T21:16:05-08:00 Preparing a RoleAlexander Techworks2018-01-02T21:16:05-08:00
Kristof stars in AFI’s “Paracusia” Kristof stars in AFI’s “Paracusia” Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T15:54:03-08:00 Kristof stars in AFI’s “Paracusia”Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T15:54:03-08:00
Kristof guest stars on the CW’s “Nikita” Kristof guest stars on the CW’s “Nikita” Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T16:13:13-08:00 Kristof guest stars on the CW’s “Nikita”Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T16:13:13-08:00
Kristof guest stars on USA’s “Burn Notice” Kristof guest stars on USA’s “Burn Notice” Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T16:33:25-08:00 Kristof guest stars on USA’s “Burn Notice”Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T16:33:25-08:00
Kristof shows his many faces in four upcoming films Kristof shows his many faces in four upcoming films Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T16:44:39-08:00 Kristof shows his many faces in four upcoming filmsKristof Konrad2017-12-05T16:44:39-08:00