Jean-Louis’ path to acting and the Alexander Technique Jean-Louis’ path to acting and the Alexander Technique Jean-Louis Rodrigue2017-12-20T18:33:17-08:00 Jean-Louis’ path to acting and the Alexander TechniqueJean-Louis Rodrigue2017-12-20T18:33:17-08:00
Alexander Technique: Jean-Louis & Kristof attract European talents Alexander Technique: Jean-Louis & Kristof attract European talents Alexander Techworks2018-03-18T08:39:12-07:00 Alexander Technique: Jean-Louis & Kristof attract European talentsAlexander Techworks2018-03-18T08:39:12-07:00
Belcim Bilgin embraces the Alexander Technique with Kristof Belcim Bilgin embraces the Alexander Technique with Kristof Alexander Techworks2020-05-19T19:40:48-07:00 Belcim Bilgin embraces the Alexander Technique with KristofAlexander Techworks2020-05-19T19:40:48-07:00
Santiago Cabrera trains with Jean-Louis for BBC’s “The Musketeers” Santiago Cabrera trains with Jean-Louis for BBC’s “The Musketeers” Alexander Techworks2020-06-03T11:38:42-07:00 Santiago Cabrera trains with Jean-Louis for BBC’s “The Musketeers”Alexander Techworks2020-06-03T11:38:42-07:00
Megan Boone coaches with Jean-Louis for NBC’s “The Black List” Megan Boone coaches with Jean-Louis for NBC’s “The Black List” Alexander Techworks2020-05-19T20:09:25-07:00 Megan Boone coaches with Jean-Louis for NBC’s “The Black List”Alexander Techworks2020-05-19T20:09:25-07:00
Michael Welch works with Kristof to find his characters’ physicality Michael Welch works with Kristof to find his characters’ physicality Alexander Techworks2020-05-19T20:17:12-07:00 Michael Welch works with Kristof to find his characters’ physicalityAlexander Techworks2020-05-19T20:17:12-07:00