Il Piccolo Teatro
As part of their world tour of Carlo Goldoni’s “Arlecchino, Servant of Two Masters,” Jean-Louis Rodrigue in collaboration with UCLA Live arranged for members of the company to offer workshops and lectures to the students at the UCLA Department of Theater as well as members of the acting community in Los Angeles on October 18-21, 2005. The worshops were taught by Paolo Bosisio, Professor of Drama at State University, Milan and the Sorbonne in Paris, Ferruccio Soleri, the lead actor playing Arlecchino, and Stefano de Luca, Assistant Director.

Ferruccio Soleri teaching mask work. Photo by Todd Cheney, Copyright UCLA
Prof. Bosisio’s shared his knowledge and passion for the history of the Commedia Dell’Arte in Italy and the theatrical mission of Il Piccolo Teatro under the direction of Giorgio Strehler, one of the most celebrated directors of the 20th century. Stefano de Luca and Ferruccio Soleri worked with the actors on the demanding physical requirements in creating and moving the characters of Arlecchino, Pantalone, Brighella and the Doctor. The sold out performances of “Arlecchino” at the Freud Playhouse were brilliant and unforgettable.

L to R: Jean-Louis Rodrigue, Prof. Paolo Bosisio, (center) Ferruccio Soleri Photo by Todd Cheney, Copyright UCLA
As Ferruccio Soleri recounts: “Harlequin is thus enriched by “life”, just as Goldoni wanted of his theatrical writings, life shown to the public through the skill of a company of wanderers who stop, for some reason or another, to enact Harlequin. The spectators therefore find themselves before a double show, the life of a group of actors of the commedia dell’arte, and the true art of acting. As Strehler said in the spirit of his beloved Goldoni, one observes the world and creates art from it.”
Visit their extensive website at www.piccoloteatro.org