Alexander Technique and the Pilates Method of Movement Re-education: A Biomechanical Perspective


Written by John Macy, this article first appeared on the Pilates and Alexander website. In the last several years the techniques and exercises created by Josef Pilates have gained a significant following of people [...]

Alexander Technique and the Pilates Method of Movement Re-education: A Biomechanical Perspective2018-01-04T14:34:25-08:00

The Alexander Technique – The Answer to A Stress Test (Sports Illustrated)


Written by Carl Vigeland, this article first appeared in Sports Illustrated, Vol.93 Issue 25 pg. G21 (December 18, 2000). Sometimes the greatest gifts in golf are the ones we give ourselves. Last week at the PGA [...]

The Alexander Technique – The Answer to A Stress Test (Sports Illustrated)2018-01-03T16:17:05-08:00

Preparing a Role


Written by Joan Schirle Note from the author: This article was not originally written for Alexander teachers, but for acting students already learning the Technique. However, it should be of interest to Alexander teachers who [...]

Preparing a Role2018-01-02T21:16:05-08:00

Major Study published in the BMJ finds the Alexander Technique most effective at reducing back pain


August 23rd, 2008 cover of BMJ A recent study funded by the Medical Research Council and the NHS Research and Development fund finds long-term pain can be relieved through study of the Alexander [...]

Major Study published in the BMJ finds the Alexander Technique most effective at reducing back pain2018-01-03T16:04:42-08:00

The Intent to Live, by Larry Moss


Larry Moss' much awaited book, The Intent to Live, is based on his acting and teaching experience and is a must for all actors and anyone interested in theatre. In a very generous and creative [...]

The Intent to Live, by Larry Moss2017-12-20T20:26:30-08:00
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