What health professionals say about the Alexander Technique What health professionals say about the Alexander Technique Jean-Louis Rodrigue2018-01-03T15:58:35-08:00 What health professionals say about the Alexander TechniqueJean-Louis Rodrigue2018-01-03T15:58:35-08:00
Alexander Technique for Patient Self-Care Alexander Technique for Patient Self-Care Alexander Techworks2018-01-03T16:06:23-08:00 Alexander Technique for Patient Self-CareAlexander Techworks2018-01-03T16:06:23-08:00
Alexander Technique and the Pilates Method of Movement Re-education: A Biomechanical Perspective Alexander Technique and the Pilates Method of Movement Re-education: A Biomechanical Perspective Alexander Techworks2018-01-04T14:34:25-08:00 Alexander Technique and the Pilates Method of Movement Re-education: A Biomechanical PerspectiveAlexander Techworks2018-01-04T14:34:25-08:00
Jogging doesn’t have to be a pain Jogging doesn’t have to be a pain Alexander Techworks2018-01-22T12:31:36-08:00 Jogging doesn’t have to be a painAlexander Techworks2018-01-22T12:31:36-08:00
The Alexander Technique – The Answer to A Stress Test (Sports Illustrated) The Alexander Technique – The Answer to A Stress Test (Sports Illustrated) Alexander Techworks2018-01-03T16:17:05-08:00 The Alexander Technique – The Answer to A Stress Test (Sports Illustrated)Alexander Techworks2018-01-03T16:17:05-08:00
Golf Without Tension – Leave Yourself Alone Golf Without Tension – Leave Yourself Alone Jean-Louis Rodrigue2018-01-03T16:29:12-08:00 Golf Without Tension – Leave Yourself AloneJean-Louis Rodrigue2018-01-03T16:29:12-08:00
Alexander Technique for Singers Alexander Technique for Singers Jean-Louis Rodrigue2018-01-02T18:34:51-08:00 Alexander Technique for SingersJean-Louis Rodrigue2018-01-02T18:34:51-08:00
Preparing a Role Preparing a Role Alexander Techworks2018-01-02T21:16:05-08:00 Preparing a RoleAlexander Techworks2018-01-02T21:16:05-08:00
Alexander Technique at the UCLA School of Theater, Film & Television Alexander Technique at the UCLA School of Theater, Film & Television Jean-Louis Rodrigue2018-01-03T15:32:12-08:00 Alexander Technique at the UCLA School of Theater, Film & TelevisionJean-Louis Rodrigue2018-01-03T15:32:12-08:00
The Alexander Technique added to The Actors Studio MFA Program The Alexander Technique added to The Actors Studio MFA Program Alexander Techworks2018-01-03T12:04:57-08:00 The Alexander Technique added to The Actors Studio MFA ProgramAlexander Techworks2018-01-03T12:04:57-08:00
Major Study published in the BMJ finds the Alexander Technique most effective at reducing back pain Major Study published in the BMJ finds the Alexander Technique most effective at reducing back pain Jean-Louis Rodrigue2018-01-03T16:04:42-08:00 Major Study published in the BMJ finds the Alexander Technique most effective at reducing back painJean-Louis Rodrigue2018-01-03T16:04:42-08:00
The Intent to Live, by Larry Moss Jean-Louis Rodrigue2017-12-20T20:26:30-08:00 The Intent to Live, by Larry MossJean-Louis Rodrigue2017-12-20T20:26:30-08:00