Our new home for Alexander Technique classes at The Odyssey Theatre Ensemble Our new home for Alexander Technique classes at The Odyssey Theatre Ensemble Jean-Louis Rodrigue2017-12-05T16:12:33-08:00 Our new home for Alexander Technique classes at The Odyssey Theatre EnsembleJean-Louis Rodrigue2017-12-05T16:12:33-08:00
Kristof guest stars on the CW’s “Nikita” Kristof guest stars on the CW’s “Nikita” Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T16:13:13-08:00 Kristof guest stars on the CW’s “Nikita”Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T16:13:13-08:00
Kristof teachers Embodying the Character in Film Intensive in Milan Kristof teachers Embodying the Character in Film Intensive in Milan Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T16:15:07-08:00 Kristof teachers Embodying the Character in Film Intensive in MilanKristof Konrad2017-12-05T16:15:07-08:00
Jean-Louis Rodrigue reunites with creative team for Italian production of “The Syringa Tree” Jean-Louis Rodrigue reunites with creative team for Italian production of “The Syringa Tree” Jean-Louis Rodrigue2018-11-13T10:01:42-08:00 Jean-Louis Rodrigue reunites with creative team for Italian production of “The Syringa Tree”Jean-Louis Rodrigue2018-11-13T10:01:42-08:00
Student Update: Giselda Volodi’s latest film premieres at Taormina Film Fest Student Update: Giselda Volodi’s latest film premieres at Taormina Film Fest Kristof Konrad2017-12-05T16:28:19-08:00 Student Update: Giselda Volodi’s latest film premieres at Taormina Film FestKristof Konrad2017-12-05T16:28:19-08:00