Kristof Konrad as Milovan Dragas in USA’s Burn Notice
Working recently as an actor with Jeffrey Donovan, Michael Westen, Bruce Campbell, and Sam Axe on BURN NOTICE, Kristof had one of the most interesting times in creating the character of Milovan Dragas, a dangerous international criminal . The director of the episode, Félix Enríquez Alcalá was very interested in bringing out ease and danger in the physicality of Milovan. Once again, using the Alexander Technique and its kinesthetic awareness, which is very strong in animals and small children, Kristof was able to create a behavior which was animalistic, cunning and unpredictable with a great sence of humor. The wonderful writing in this episode was done by young and talented Rashad Raisani.
The Season 3 Episode 8 of Burn Notice is titled, “Friends Like These,” and first aired on the USA Network on July 30, 2009. The guest cast included Callie Thorne (Natalie Rice), Kristof Konrad (Milovan Dragas),