Jean-Louis prepares Josh Brolin as George W. Bush for Oliver Stone’s “W.” Jean-Louis prepares Josh Brolin as George W. Bush for Oliver Stone’s “W.” Alexander Techworks2020-06-03T11:13:20-07:00 Jean-Louis prepares Josh Brolin as George W. Bush for Oliver Stone’s “W.”Alexander Techworks2020-06-03T11:13:20-07:00
Hilary Swank and cast of “The Affair of the Necklace” train with Jean-Louis Hilary Swank and cast of “The Affair of the Necklace” train with Jean-Louis Alexander Techworks2020-06-03T11:03:37-07:00 Hilary Swank and cast of “The Affair of the Necklace” train with Jean-LouisAlexander Techworks2020-06-03T11:03:37-07:00